Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Now I am two (here's what I can do)

1. I can count to six. (I can also count to ten, but seven, eight and nine sometimes go missing.)
2. I can identify 16 different types of vehicle, including cement trucks and ambulances.
3. I know my right from my left (at least half the time).
4. My favourite question is "why?" as in "Why are you making my lunch, Mama?" "Why am I hungry?" "Why do I need to grow big and strong?" "Why will I be a big boy?" "Why don't you know, Mama?"
5. I refuse to put my jacket on when we go out, and I refuse to take it off when we get home. Also, I cry when it's time to get into my bath, and I cry when it's time to get out.
6. My favourite food is still waffles - which I still call "faffles," and I eat them three times a day if I'm allowed.
10. I tell Mama and Daddy and Alex each day that I love them "soooo much." Other things I love "soooo much" include my doll Arthur, jumping in puddles, and my toothbrush.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Giggle Monsters

No one, but no one, makes me laugh like my big brother.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you for my awesome big brother.
Thank you for my sweet little brother.
Thank you Grandma and Grampa for our winter-proof jackets!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy birthday Mama! by Daddy, taken on one of those beautiful October days that seem so far behind us now!

Monday, November 05, 2007

The Alex Report

Living it up while wishing mama and daddy a happy fourth anniversary.

Discovering the all important Whosit. Other notable toys include my lamb blanket and my feet.

The ultimate in cool, big brother, in his outfit of choice.

More to come on the Alex report, including "World's longest eyelashes," "Rolling over," "How many times will they come and rock me in the middle of the night," and, coincidentally, "My very tired mama."