Thursday, June 29, 2006

Clean and shining

Mom says you expect to see photos of me in my bath, which I think is pretty weird of you, but here are some anyway. I do love my bath. It has green, yellow and blue rings to play with and I also play with my toothbrush and rubber duckie, which daddy gave me for Christmas. I'm a big fan of ducks, and sometimes I say "quack quack."

Sunday, June 25, 2006

To the lovely stranger... Starbucks who bought me a bear just because. May we all be so kind and randomly generous to people we do and don't know!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I love my Daddy

My daddy is the greatest. Aren't we a couple of handsome devils? Happy Father's Day, Big Guy.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Leggo my Lego!

200 pieces for one dollar at a garage sale. Hours (and hopefully years) of fun! (I apologize for the punny title, my mom made me do it.)