Now I am two (here's what I can do)
1. I can count to six. (I can also count to ten, but seven, eight and nine sometimes go missing.)
2. I can identify 16 different types of vehicle, including cement trucks and ambulances.
3. I know my right from my left (at least half the time).
4. My favourite question is "why?" as in "Why are you making my lunch, Mama?" "Why am I hungry?" "Why do I need to grow big and strong?" "Why will I be a big boy?" "Why don't you know, Mama?"
5. I refuse to put my jacket on when we go out, and I refuse to take it off when we get home. Also, I cry when it's time to get into my bath, and I cry when it's time to get out.
6. My favourite food is still waffles - which I still call "faffles," and I eat them three times a day if I'm allowed.
10. I tell Mama and Daddy and Alex each day that I love them "soooo much." Other things I love "soooo much" include my doll Arthur, jumping in puddles, and my toothbrush.