Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Suggestions welcomed

I still haven't decided what to call my baby brother or sister to be yet. I have good friends called Nana [Anna] and Wowo [Owen], so I've proposed those names to Mama and Daddy. I've also suggested Baby, Doodle [noodle] and Nose which are three of my favorite words. If we don't choose any of those fine names, do you have any ideas? I'll officially vet your submissions and pass them along to the team.

By the way, Mama had an ultrasound today, and the little monkey was sucking her [Mama and I are pretty sure she's going to be a girl, but Daddy says boy...] thumb. Cute as the dickens, and smart, just like her big brother.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Mama says that this picture will cause me no end of embarassment in a few years, but right now I think I look pretty darn awesome. Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

First day of school

Pre-school is pretty sweet! Here's how it works. I go one morning a week, with Mama, but she doesn't get in the way too much. First we sit in a circle and sing songs. Then we have a snack. Then we do an art project (I am way creative). Then we play with a parachute. Then we sit in a circle and sing songs again. I can see why people like school!