I am sorry that it's taken me so long to report to you on my vacation in South Carolina! My technical team forgot to bring some cord or other that I need to upload photos (I'm the talent, you see, I don't concern myself with these details). My photographers also fell down on the job and didn't take a single beach photo. I really am considering upgrading my staff, but you know, they're family. But here are a couple of keepers. That's me with Grandma in the gazebo, showing off my Canada t-shirt.

And in case you were concerned that Daddy didn't get enough rest while we were there, what with his trips to Georgia and North Carolina, here we are having a late morning snooze.
Some other highlights of our trip include me mastering my fine crawling technique, pulling myself up on furniture, and Grandma teaching me to clap. Mom and dad did some stuff too, but Grandma, Grandpa and I didn't really concern ourselves with them.
Oh, Mom wants me to add that I now say Mama. (You know, I've been saying Dada for months, but apparently she didn't find that as noteworthy.)