The Cool Kids

Last weekend, I got to hang out with my buddy Wyatt. He's almost six months old, so I feel pretty grown up when I get to play with him. He teaches me about holding my head up without wobbling, and how to defend myself when someone tries to eat my ear. I'd give him a call if you're having any trouble with either!
Hey Jack, thanks for letting me hang out with you last weekend. My mom said to thank your parents too and tell them I had a very nice time. She always embarasses me.
You've got some cool toys and I like your bouncy chair much better than mine. I was glad to break in your excer-saucer for you too. Want to come over to my house sometime? My saucer makes cool music. I like to push the same button twenty times in a row and see how many times Mom will dance for me.
Don't worry about the ear thing, you'll grow out of it.
My mom and dad say to come over anytime! I would LOVE to come to your house and watch your mom dance :). Have a very merry Christmas, my friend.
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