Thursday, December 15, 2005

I have a great sense of humour

Did I mention that I've started to laugh? Every night after my bath, when mom is getting me into my pyjamas, I giggle for a few minutes. I also laugh at other times during the day when mom or dad changes my clothes or my diaper. Being naked is hilarious!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Peryl,

I linked to your BLOG after reading your email.

Imagine my surprise when I read the scandalous posts about naked babies and such. As I'm reading this from my work-issued laptop, the Thought Police have undoubtedly tracked my IP address and will likely carry me away before lunchtime (I won't even get to enjoy my Hot Pocket sandwich).

This is an unfortunate turn of events (note avoidance of lemony snicket copyright infringement by omitting the words "series of") brought about by your unending desire to talk about Jack. I will henceforth avoid reading this BLOG at work.


Tom K.

P.S., I rolled over this morning to get out of bed. The fetching Mrs. Kleven didn't even notice, much less post a message on the Internet about it. Very disappointing...

8:28 AM  

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