Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Today mom and I went to our weekly PEPS (something... Early Parenting Support? Darn those acronyms!) meeting. PEPS is an non-profit organization that gives new moms the opportunity to meet once a week with others in their neighborhood to discuss highs and lows of babyhood, share experiences, and have some valuable adult time. There are also discussion topics such as crying (ours and moms') and post-partum depression (mom wants me to make the obligatory Tom Cruise slam here, but you've heard it all before) which can offer valuable support and resources to any new moms who may be struggling. For us babies, it's a great chance to smile and cry, compare feeding schedules, check out each other's new duds, burp a bit, you know, generally hang out and be ourselves. Here's a picture of me hanging with my PEPS buddies.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Blogging is hard work!

Must remember to take lots of naps. By the way, if any of you babies out there are having trouble napping (and who doesn't??), mom bought me a three cd set of lullabies called Rock-a-Bye Baby, and I highly recommend it. It's irresistible. Of course, if that fails, there's always napping on dad.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Last night I slept for SEVEN hours without a feeding. I then went BACK to sleep for another three hours! I am a superstar. I hope my parents truly appreciate my greatness. I have not, however, decided whether to use my new powers for good or evil...

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Today, on my three monthiversary, I thought I would share some pictures with you so you can see how much I've changed. First, here I am in the hospital, only one day old! Mom says to please ignore her chubby cheeks. I told her this blog really isn't about her, and to get her own blog if she wants. Sheesh! Some people...

Here I am at three weeks...

And here I am at the beginning of November with my
great-grandfather Jack, who I was named for. He loves me very,
very much.

Friday, November 25, 2005

I am three months old tomorrow!

To celebrate my three monthiversary, mom decided to start collecting my photos, firsts and other fascinating feats in one place for friends' and relatives' viewing pleasure. I hope you enjoy watching me grow!