Other things I am doing (aside from reading) include: sitting for at least a minute before I fall over (at which time I'm very brave and hardly ever cry); crawling backward - which causes my toys to get
farther away rather than
closer - still haven't figured that one out but I find it a bit frustrating; eating rice cereal,
bananas and sweet potatoes, none of which look nearly as good as what my brother gets; and smiling and giggling like
nobody's business. Stay tuned for month seven!
quite an impressive young man - and handsome too
Sitting up and crawling backwards.... Bubba and Grandpa Ian are impressed!
Sitting up and crawling backwards.... Bubba and Grandpa Ian are most impressed!
oops - Bubba left too many comments! She was trying to improve on the comment and ended up leaving another one! But that will make up for the very few comments to date.....
Whoa Bubba! I feel three times as lucky that you and Grampa Ian are so sweet :).
Wow! My how time flies. Jack must be teaching you very well. Keep up the great work!
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